Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Meeting

We are going to explore a bit about God. Sound like a daunting task? You bet! Unless He wants to be known by us!

If you were asked to describe God, what would you say?

Let's watch the introduction video from

Did you ever stop to think about that? The creator of the universe - the Holy, eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, merciful, fair and just God --- is Crazy about YOU!

We are also going to explore what love means. God's love for us... Our love for Him... Our love for each other.

Let's read 1 John 4: 7-11

Does God Love us?

What does that mean to you ?

Is it who He is or what He does?

Let's read Matthew 22: 36-40

What does that say about love?

What do you think?

Over the next few weeks, we will delve more into what this means:

Who is this God that loves us?

How should we respond?

What will the world look like if we believe this?

Many other questions.

We will be watching the Chapter Videos from the DVD and discussing what we are learning.

There are study guides available for those who want to dig deeper.

See you along the journey!



  1. I thought I'd start the first comment just to show what it looks like.

  2. Hmmm.... just checking out the posting requirements ....
